Spring has finally sprung here in Ontario, and while I didn’t feel the same spring in my step a week ago with to the time change, I am starting to feel it now. This weekend I got my snow tires off, went for some good walks in the sun and even let the cats outside. One of my favourite things about this time of year is the first blooms of spring — I love the purple amethyst crocuses and pure white snowdrops. It’s also a great time of year for pansies. At the gardening store the staff remind me to acclimatize them to the cold – to place them outside for a few hours in the sun for a few days, but keep them inside at night out of the wind — an indoor porch is good. While they can handle a couple of degrees below zero and a bit of snow they certainly aren’t meant for minus 10 degree weather. So keep an eye on those night temperatures, because we have been known to get snow in April. . .
Spring brings with it lots of change and newness, so while I’m eager to tackle more, I am also remembering to take some time for yoga and stretches, to work out the knots in those leg or arm muscles we may be using more than usual. To get to bed on time, to stay even keeled. “Spring is the time of plans and projects,” said Leo Tolstoy. And while tomorrow is a new day, I am taking each day one small bloom at a time.

Photo caption – Crocuses are so beautiful and hopeful this time of year. I love how their amethyst purple blooms push through despite the fact that there’s still a bit of ice/snow on the ground.