About Karen/Running on Rosehip

Running On Rosehip - Karen

I’m a former medical journalist, a published writer and editor who has been writing through print and online media for more than 15 years (www.karen-richardson.com).  My articles have been published in the Medical Post, Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada, Gastroenterology Canada, Dermatology Times of Canada, Nutrition Post,  ChatelaineKingston Life, Canadian Health, Queen’s Alumni Review, Queen’s Gazette (e)Affect Research (a Queen’s University research publication) Great Rated! – Great Place to Work and Your Workplace, a national business publication dedicated to fostering healthy workplaces and progressive businesses in Canada.

While I’m not a doctor, my blog on natural, healthy living simply aims to offer my own unique and intuitive perspective on women’s health (including pelvic health), nutrition, fitness trends in Canada. 

When I’m not working I enjoy running (ideally through a forest); creative/inspiring yoga classes, creating unique, healthiest recipes; photographing my cats, rural landscapes and people; live concerts; road trips; blogging, reading Victorian literature and magazines; and drinking rooibos/chai tea and matcha.